00:30 Keywords:
00:45 - studio (n)
A lot of TV shows are made in TV studios in Los Angeles.
00:45 - film (v)
Christine asked her friend to film her wedding so she can watch it later.
01:12 - act (v)
Jason isn't really sad. He's only acting.
01:23 - autograph (n)
Krista is really excitecited. She got her favorite singer's autograph.
01:36 - edit (v)
After Josh films his movie, he'll need to edit it.
01:48 Let's say these keywords together again:
- studio (n)
- film (v)
- act (v)
- autograph (n)
- edit (v)
02:13 The mission of the day is:
Where are TV shows made?
02:42 On The Go. Part 1.
02:58 - television studio
03:22 - set
03:35 - jungle
03:53 - elevator
04:34 - through
04:48 - studio floor
05:12 The answer to today's mission is:
TV shows are made in a TV studio.
05:45 Study the keywords:
05:48 - studio (n)
06:33 - film (v)
07:19 On The Go. Part 2.
07:24 - prop
07:53 - sword
08:12 - actor
09:07 - autograph
09:17 Study the keywords:
09:28 - act (v)
10:05 - autograch (n)
10:46 On The Go. Part 3.
10:56 - director
11:15 - intercom
11:38 - live
11:44 - editing
12:09 - sound effect
12:26 - video library
13:07 Study the keyword:
13:30 - edit (v)
14:13 Calendar Phrase:
Where will you stay?
Boy 1. Hey, guess what! I'm going to Paris!
Girl. That's great! Where will you stay?
Boy 2. Yes, where will you stay? Paris is really expensive.
Boy 1. I will look online for a cheap place.
Girl. Well, I hope you like Paris.
And, did you know I'm going to London?
Boys. What! Where will you stay?
Girl. I'm not sure. But I'll find something.
Boy 2. Good luck, you two. I'm staving right here.
15:45 Question of the day :
What job would you like to have in a TV studio? Why?
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