00:36 Keywords:
00:44 - congratulations (interj)
You got the job? Congratulations!
00:56 - proud (adj)
Tammy studies very hard. Her parents are proud of her.
01:09 - cheer (v)
When Kurt plays baseball, his mother cheers loudly for him.
01:20 - fan (n)
Kurt's mom is his biggest fan. She goes to every game.
01:32 - sport (n)
What is your favorite sport? I like football.
01:42 Let's say the keywords together again:
- congratulations (interj)
- proud (adj)
- cheer (v)
- fan (n)
- sport (n)
02:15 The mission of the day is:
What doesn't Renee like?
02:51 Small Town. Part 1.
Max - Congratulations, Simon!
You won the free tickets! That's great!
Renee - I can't believe it! I'm so proud of you, honey!
Simon - So what do you say, Renee?
Are you ready to go watch the Cubs?
Renee - Oh! You want me to go to the game with you?
Simon - Well, yeah. You're my wife!
Renee - But I don't like baseball.
Max - I do!
03:21 Study the keywords:
03:39 - congratulations (interj)
04:44 - proud (adj)
05:27 The answer to today's mission is:
Renee doesn't like baseball.
05:38 Small Town. Part 2.
Simon - Come on, Renee, the game will be fun.
We can cheer together for our favorite players!
Renee - I don't have any favorite players.
I don't know any of the players!
Max - I do. My favorite player is -
Ben - Simon! Take me, take me!
Simon - What?
Ben - I heard about your free tickets on the radio.
Simon - Really?
06:07 Study the keyword:
06:27 - cheer (v)
07:46 Small Town. Part 3.
Ben - Please take me to the game with you.
I'm a huge Cubs fan!
Max - Me, too. Baseball is my favorite sport.
I'd love to go to the game.
Simon - But I only won two tickets. Renee is going with me.
Renee - Simon, I love you.
But I don't really want to go to the game.
Simon - Oh.
Renee - Why don't you take one of these guys with you?
Simon - Hmm. How will I choose?
08:23 Study the keywords:
08:54 - fan (n)
10:01 - sport (n)
10:20 How To
How To
Ask someone to join a game.
10:54 - Can I play?
11:06 - Can I Join The game?
11:17 - Do you need another player?
11:49 Conversation Replay.
13:24 Calendar Phrase:
I love to play sports.
Girl. I love to play sports.
Boy. Really? Why?
Girl. Playing sports is fun. I love to play sports.
Boy. That's great. I love to play sports, too.
Girl. What's your favorite sport?
Boy. I like tennis. Do you play tennis?
Girl. No. I don't know how to play.
Boy. I can teach you.
Girl. OK!
14:53 Question of the day:
If you were Simon who were you take to the game with you? Why?
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